I don't understand what is wrong with some people.
I just went to a blog of this girl knowing that she
always writes as thou her AUDITION couple, is her boyfriend.
ffs. i've met her audition couple in real life too kays.
What I don't understand is, is it really true that most people find boyfriends/ girlfriends though audition?
Are they really that desperate?
Shes 17, HELLO? and he is only 14 mansx. how desperate can SHE get?
Yesyes, I have had audition couple(s)
and my longest audi couple is 1 year and 10 days? And that guy is like, 3 years younger then me.
i don't even want to stead with a guy my age, let alone someone 3 yrs younger then me, sheesh.
And once, when I was looking for audition couple, and his girl - friends asked if i was attached in real life,
I was attached to Jun Long at that time, so I didn't deny.
but hey, audition is audition , my boyfriend is my boyfriend. it's 2 different matters, isn't it ?
And she went on commenting that I'm a slut for looking for an audition couple even thou I already have a boyfriend? wtf?
It's not like I wanted anything to come out of that audition relationship anyways.
Even my current audition couple, Dalston ,
we were audition couple for 2 months and met quite a number of times before deciding to TRY and go steady.
But that didn't work out for us,
but it doesn't mean we cannot be a couple in audition, we're still friends.
And yea, I am still currently available looking for couple in my another account, but so what?
It's not like I have to account to dals.
AND , I have coupled my real life really close guy friends in audition
only to be insulted as being a "whore"/ "slut"
by their girlfriends .
Like, i'm not interested in your goddamn boyfriends mans!
I just DON'T understand whats the big fuss about having an audition couple and a boyfriend at the same time
To me, it is not considered two - timing or anything related to it.
I just don't like how some people can call someone hubby / wifey when they have never met in real life.