personal info
I'm a girl who still hasn't figured out what she wants to do with her life.

My birthday falls on the 18th Of April every single year since 1993. You do the maths.

✓ Lose weight
✓ Start sleeping early
✓ Finish my studies well
✓ Get a rich boyfriend
✓ Figure out what I want to do with my life

Keep reading if you like to hear people ranting.

May 2011 / June 2011 / July 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 / October 2011 / November 2011 / December 2011 / January 2012 / February 2012 / March 2012 / April 2012 / May 2012 / June 2012 / July 2012 / August 2012 / September 2012 / October 2012 / November 2012 / December 2012 / January 2013 / February 2013 / March 2013 / April 2013 / May 2013 / June 2013 / January 2014 / February 2014 / April 2014 / May 2014 / June 2014 / July 2014 / August 2014 / October 2014 / December 2014 / January 2015 / March 2015 / April 2015 / May 2015 / June 2015 / July 2015 / October 2015 / November 2015 / December 2015 / February 2016 / March 2016 / April 2016 / May 2016 / July 2016 / January 2017 / February 2017 / March 2017 / June 2017 / August 2017 / December 2017 / January 2018 / April 2018 / July 2018 / October 2018 / August 2019 / October 2019 / April 2020 /

Awesome Stuffs.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011,

I really wanted to delete the last post. Full of crap and petty rants. LOL
Ok, I shan't delete it so I can look back again and laugh at how stupid I am.
I suddenly found a need to update my particulars in blog .

Today, is an awesome day, 
woke up to hear about the 20% sales is on in audition!! (Ok, if you think I sound stupid, stop reading) 
NOW I can get the 14$ top I had always wanted in audition for only 11$ and 20CENTS!! 
woots !!
AND I went down to buy MORE a-cash today . FML♥ 
Whats bad was, I don't have much money left on me because of the holidays. 
god knows who much more I would have bought. -evil laughter- 

CIAOOSS, I shall go audition for shopping now !
Or should I say, "Online Shopping"? 

This is gonna be another post for the future me to read and laugh at myself again._.''

Monday, June 27, 2011,

I don't understand what is wrong with some people. 
I just went to a blog of this girl knowing that she 
always writes as thou her AUDITION couple, is her boyfriend. 

ffs. i've met her audition couple in real life too kays.

What I don't understand is, is it really true that most people find boyfriends/ girlfriends though audition?
Are they really that desperate? 
Shes 17, HELLO? and he is only 14 mansx. how desperate can SHE get? 

Yesyes, I have had audition couple(s)
and my longest audi couple is 1 year and 10 days? And that guy is like, 3 years younger then me. 
i don't even want to stead with a guy my age, let alone someone 3 yrs younger then me, sheesh. 

And once, when I was looking for audition couple, and his girl - friends asked if i was attached in real life,
I was attached to Jun Long at that time, so I didn't deny.
but hey, audition is audition , my boyfriend is my boyfriend. it's 2 different matters, isn't it ?
And she went on commenting that I'm a slut for looking for an audition couple even thou I already have a boyfriend? wtf?
It's not like I wanted anything to come out of that audition relationship anyways.

Even my current audition couple, Dalston , 
we were audition couple for 2 months and met quite a number of times before deciding to TRY and go steady.
But that didn't work out for us, 
but it doesn't mean we cannot be a couple in audition, we're still friends. 
And yea, I am still currently available looking for couple in my another account, but so what?
It's not like I have to account to dals.

AND , I have coupled my real life really close guy friends in audition
only to be insulted as being a "whore"/ "slut"
by their girlfriends .
Like, i'm not interested in your goddamn boyfriends mans! 

I just DON'T understand whats the big fuss about having an audition couple and a boyfriend at the same time
To me, it is not considered two - timing or anything related to it. 

I just don't like how some people can call someone hubby / wifey when they have never met in real life. 

Excuse me, But I might drink a little more than I should, tonight.
Friday, June 24, 2011,

I think I'm going abit bonkers. LOLOL !
Ok, this is going to be a (super duper) random and short post.

So, about 1am on a random night, I smsed wenkai,
and the convo: --
Me : How You find minghui?
Wen Kai : Cute, but he abit too shy
Me : YAH!! Cute right ! >< I want him to be my brother, so kawaii
Wen Kai : Go sleep early , you can go dream about it. 
Me to myself. ASSHOLE. 

Ikr._. Super lame , random and short post by me huh! 
-Loves, Daphnne

Haircut ~ (2nd post in a day )
Tuesday, June 21, 2011,


I know it sounds stupid, but I feel that my hair is healthier now. 
I didn't want for this haircut to be made for like, the rest of my life. 
Uber long hair was something I had always wanted. Always. 
But my hair ends were disappointingly unhealthy, with split ends and the texture like touching hay. 
God knows how many nights I spent awake in bed cutting my split ends.

I dreaded the thought of going to have my hair cut thou, (even thou I knew my hair was unhealthy) 
I didn't want any weird aunties touching my hair and yanking / pulling away with it. 
Most importantly, I couldn't part with THE LENGTH.

Got convinced by my mom (and Saph) last night to have a haircut
Saph even promised to cut her hair with me !!  
Even thou she has amazingly long gorgeous and healthy hair. 
Since Saph wouldn't mind parting with her hair (which seriously don't need any cutting) 
I wouldn't want to be so sore about it either. 

Either way, I'm still having heartaches over the length. ): 
THIS SUCKKSS   !!!!!!!!!!!!

P/s I look healthier in the "after" photo too, coz I'm very very reliant on eyeliner, as I was home all day yesterday,  I didn't have any make up (i.e eyeliner/foundation) on . While the after photo was with make up because I went down to have my haircut. And yes, I put on eyeliner and foundation everywhere I go, except to school.
Wind, stop blowing. This is my last letter to you.
Love me cause I don't feel loved at all.
Monday, June 13, 2011,

Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Or shall i walk by again?

I hate how clueless and oblivious I am to myself.
I hate that I always listen and respects others decisions that I never ever had time to listen to my own heart. 

And then, I realised that I have no one to blame
Because, my heart didn't know what is the best for myself. 

People change, feelings fade.
Saturday, June 11, 2011,

No one is irreplaceable.
That's what you said, and I agreed.
But can another being completely take over someone else and (maybe) do a better job then the previous?
I don't know. 
Because, the day you poisoned their brains 
and I left. 
They have already had enough of you. 
Who do you think you are? 
Barge in , and (naively) think you can replace me? 
Daphnne?? ME?? 

No, I have seen clearly.
The day I left, was the day I see the whole picture.
As the Chinese idiom says ,
(Meaning, when being in the situation, you're blinded. but as an observer, you're clearer to whats going on)

Now i see how manipulative, self-centered, and sore you are. 
Me and lincoln, we were all blinded by your lies. 
You tried to chase our leader, Shin . 
And , when you failed to do so, you targeted shin's "pillars" .
Me and Lincoln.

Well, we've left, but you still can't take our places. 
You can never be us. 
You will never be as important as us in the family. 
You will never be , and can never be just like us, or even better.

and although I've left , 
On behalf of Effusive, 
Back to where I was.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011,

I really don't know whats going on with me lately ):
It's like i'm pushing everyone away from me. 
Everyone who cared. 
Like, an impossibly spoilt kid who wants more attention.
Grow up Daphnne.
You're not in the world you used to be in. 

And there are shitty people who knows how to work their way up. 
So , why bother? 
Just sit back, and enjoy the show ~

Why you want to go and make things so complicated?
Thursday, June 2, 2011,

My handphone just died out on me , why?

Everyone in ICB, are just my classmates.
"Friends" is too strong a word to be used. It is, after all, too fake too.
realized that the only ones who can crack me up are the ones in secondary school .

I don't ask for friends in ICB.
But I don't wish to be labeled as the emo low self esteem girl who doesn't want to make friends with anyone.
I haven't found someone in ICB who has things I can share with. Yet.
But I do not doubt my ability in making friends nor my self-esteem.

every word you used against me doesn't prove you any right.
it just shows how human always pass judgments only after knowing someone for a few weeks. 
It is human nature. And it is so sad everyday for me, looking at people like you who think you know me.

我不是一个虚伪的人, 我也不懂的讨好别人。

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