personal info
I'm a girl who still hasn't figured out what she wants to do with her life.

My birthday falls on the 18th Of April every single year since 1993. You do the maths.

✓ Lose weight
✓ Start sleeping early
✓ Finish my studies well
✓ Get a rich boyfriend
✓ Figure out what I want to do with my life

Keep reading if you like to hear people ranting.

May 2011 / June 2011 / July 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 / October 2011 / November 2011 / December 2011 / January 2012 / February 2012 / March 2012 / April 2012 / May 2012 / June 2012 / July 2012 / August 2012 / September 2012 / October 2012 / November 2012 / December 2012 / January 2013 / February 2013 / March 2013 / April 2013 / May 2013 / June 2013 / January 2014 / February 2014 / April 2014 / May 2014 / June 2014 / July 2014 / August 2014 / October 2014 / December 2014 / January 2015 / March 2015 / April 2015 / May 2015 / June 2015 / July 2015 / October 2015 / November 2015 / December 2015 / February 2016 / March 2016 / April 2016 / May 2016 / July 2016 / January 2017 / February 2017 / March 2017 / June 2017 / August 2017 / December 2017 / January 2018 / April 2018 / July 2018 / October 2018 / August 2019 / October 2019 / April 2020 /

Monday, April 20, 2015,

So my 22nd birthday was 2 days ago on 18th April!!!! How time flies! I am an adult now... Although I dont feel like one, I feel in some ways more like an adult than I was a few years ago. Sorry this post will be incoherent just like all my previous blog posts lately...

Anyway, my secondary school mates (Idon't  know how long i'm gonna call them that but just simply calling them "my friends" sounds unimportant to me) but quite the contrary they are very important people in my life. Is was . Once upon a time. Blabla.

Let's just say they were my friends when no one else- not even myself - likes me. 

Maybe i'm exaggerating. Maybe im not. But i'm really thankful to these bunch of girlfriends. Yea maybe i'll start calling them my girlfriends hehe. 

10 years of friendship. We always take the time to meet up and bond. Do silly things again like we were 13 when we first met. 

This was taken when we were 15? 16? I dont remember. How different each of us are now. Some I still talk and meet up often(my girlfriends) some i see them on the streets and some im just wondering how they are right now. 

Us. Post grad. As in, after our O levels? I dont remember well... It was like a "last dinner" sort of thing. Its the last exam. Our last year in school. Our last dinner together. Or so I thought. I always felt that people wouldnt want to meet me anymore once we don't have anything else in common.  Boy was I wrong. 

Some day after graduation at our "favorite place" cathay's astons. We met there quite a few times coz its also within our budget hahaha.

I never believe to still go out with them like we have been going out everyday. I dont know how to get awkeard with them even after not seeing each other in months!! 

Another day at long john's with jannah!!! Idon't  remember when this was taken. But it was crazy and fun. Cam whoring in a fast food restaurant. (Hey! We're good girls. This is as wild as it gets)

My 21st birthday chalet!!! They have the cheek to treat this like their own bed jumping and bouncing and lying in bed with their sweaty bodies tsktsk. Hahahaha. 

The more recent one taken last year. Its like, becoming a routine to have steamboat dinner once every few years to remind us of that night. 
There will always be also one same picture of my head over the pot. It was a candid shot all the time so in this picture i stood up but its ALWAYS me over the pot. Hmmm...

I'm not gona brag but here goes. Who else have friendship like these? We dont ALWAYS hangout together but at least we have each other's back. I have my own best friend (my sis- or chuan) and we all have our own bffs. But together like this we are the best of the best and no one can ever get in between us! 

May we have another 10,20,30 more years to come!! 

Love xoxo Daphnne 

Overuse of Karma points......... Or not?
Monday, April 13, 2015,
So i have been buying karma points out from my own money and advertising my own roleplay (btw, roleplay link here)
I have been working 6 days a week and believe me there is no time for even managing a roleplay properly let alone posting on roleplayer's wall to wall to advertise
So I started purchasing karmapoints. I buy about USD100 karma points a month (which is about 25000kpts) . So If one advertisement(story feature) costs about 9000kpts I can advertise 2 times a month which gives me about 7000kpts left over and probably able to advertise more on the next month. But usually a feature costs wayyy more than 9000kpts , I used to buy a story for 23000kpts !! (well I was stupid to put all 25000kpts down as bidding and someone else decided to put 23500kpts so my kpts outbid the person automatically and I was devastated- now i dont do that anymore tbh)

Well I advertised 3 times in February coz my roleplay got a revamp and it was really pretty pathetic from a 100 person roleplay dwindling down to maybe a little pass 20? I am desperate for more people coz the other members might not be able to be accustommed to the size change and might also leave the roleplay causing it to be inactive. So I had to do something - and fast !! Then I get private emails from people saying that I advertised "too much" , 3 times in 1 month .

The reasons as follows:
1. Not everyone here roleplays and we want to see stories featured.
2. Its not fair to other people
3. We should do it the "roleplay" way (eg. posting on people's walls etc)

And then, I found this terms and condition on AFF kpts use thing... (you dont have to read everything just the highlighted parts) 
Asianfanfics Virtual Currency License. 
  1. Asianfanfics Virtual Currency can be purchased via the Asianfanfics Services. We may also award Asianfanfics Virtual Currency in connection with promotions and as part of encouraging interactions within the Asianfanfics community. When you purchase Asianfanfics Virtual Currency you agree to pay taxes that Asianfanfics may assess on your purchase as required by law. By purchasing or otherwise acquiring Asianfanfics Virtual Currency as set out above, you obtain a limited license to access and select from content and features that we expressly make available as part of the Asianfanfics Services (the "Asianfanfics Karma Features"). Asianfanfics Virtual Currency has no monetary value and does not constitute currency or property of any type. Asianfanfics Virtual Currency may be redeemed for Asianfanfics Karma Features only. Asianfanfics Virtual Currency cannot be sold or transferred, and cannot be exchanged for cash or for any other goods and services, except for the Asianfanfics Karma Features. Asianfanfics Virtual Currency is non-refundable. You are not entitled to a refund for any unused Asianfanfics Virtual Currency. You may not hold in the aggregate more than $300 worth of Asianfanfics Virtual Currency at any time. In addition, you may not spend in the aggregate more than $200 worth of Asianfanfics Currency in any one day
Not more than $200 a day.
12500kpts = $50
10000kpts = $40
$40 x 3times = $120 a month.

$120 in a month. 

Not $250 not $500 . $120. In a month.  3 days out of 28 days.

My explanations as follows
1. Not everyone here roleplays and we want to see stories featured.
Not every one here reads fanfics. I came here to write fanfic and I never really finish a fanfic. But this is the ONLY platform for me to roleplay. I'm not gona argue who or what wants something. Apparently I am targeting at a different kind of audience andsadly, you are not my target audience. 

2. Its not fair to other people
I agree, its not fair to other people who has no money to buy karma points. Then, don't buy it. I didn't buy it until I have the means to. (I works 6 days a week and only earn 1,1K a month. I only take out $100 a month to buy karma points. )
I don't think this should be directed at me. If you think its not fair go talk to admins or better yet to petition for free karma points. $100 is a lot for me to fork out monthly too. 
3. We should do it the "roleplay" way (eg. posting on people's walls etc) 
I can't emphasize enough that I am working 6 days a week. I also have my own life and ooc stuffs to settle after work. I have to plan activities and events in the roleplay. I have to maintain the AFF roleplay page. Unless you're an admin I dont think you can understand what is required of us.
What IS the roleplay way? Really? Its just advertising. How I choose to advertise is my own choice. Please don't try to dictate what people do and likewise, I wont force you to join my roleplay. 

This is really just a rant.  I am going to buy another day already. (Btw, after the 3 advertisement in february'15 I havent advertised as I was low on cash)
Now I will start advertising again, wish to put this up so the next time i get email threats again I will shove this in their faces .-. 
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