personal info
I'm a girl who still hasn't figured out what she wants to do with her life.

My birthday falls on the 18th Of April every single year since 1993. You do the maths.

✓ Lose weight
✓ Start sleeping early
✓ Finish my studies well
✓ Get a rich boyfriend
✓ Figure out what I want to do with my life

Keep reading if you like to hear people ranting.

May 2011 / June 2011 / July 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 / October 2011 / November 2011 / December 2011 / January 2012 / February 2012 / March 2012 / April 2012 / May 2012 / June 2012 / July 2012 / August 2012 / September 2012 / October 2012 / November 2012 / December 2012 / January 2013 / February 2013 / March 2013 / April 2013 / May 2013 / June 2013 / January 2014 / February 2014 / April 2014 / May 2014 / June 2014 / July 2014 / August 2014 / October 2014 / December 2014 / January 2015 / March 2015 / April 2015 / May 2015 / June 2015 / July 2015 / October 2015 / November 2015 / December 2015 / February 2016 / March 2016 / April 2016 / May 2016 / July 2016 / January 2017 / February 2017 / March 2017 / June 2017 / August 2017 / December 2017 / January 2018 / April 2018 / July 2018 / October 2018 / August 2019 / October 2019 / April 2020 /

True Feelings.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011,

The truth is, we'll always get used to people and their imperfections whether we like it or not. We'll never forget their flaws, always get irritated by their actions we don't like. We say we hate someone, but we know everything about them perfectly. Remember what they did, when they did it and how they did it. Never fully understanding why. When all we talk about is them. We know them even better then we know our friends, or even ourselves. Love or Hate? It's just a word. It's just a line apart. We can never truly love without hate, or hate without affections.  But at the end of the day, we just can't stop ourselves from being near them. Guess this is what I call LOVE. And by saying LOVE, i mean all kinds of it. (including hatred).

P/s truly flattered to be hated by you.
Breaking Dawn
Sunday, November 27, 2011,

Breaking dawn.

Sup people. So yesterday I went down to Tiong Bahru Plaza to watch Breaking dawn with my sis  & my mom. Actually wanted to watch it on Monday. But I can't wait any longer. So despite being so freaking tired after work, I rushed down to watch the 7pm show. (I end work at 6pm). Guess I'll just post my thoughts about the movie here. 

Seriously, it kinda sucked. . My expectations of the movie were based on the book itself. . The wedding was kind of draggy. And it started off without the scene of them telling Charlie they were getting married. When reading the book, I kept replaying and imagining Charlie's reaction to the news of their marriage. So I was kinda disspointed when the movie skipped that part altogether. 

Also,  I was really looking forward to the jibes between Jacob and Roselie. But theres only one such scene. And the scene of the wolves were too short and really un-clear for people who had never read the book, throughout the whole movie I didn't have time to really enjoy because I was busy replying and explaining every single part to my mom and my sis.

The part with Jacob and Seth being together as a pack itself, was also not clear and I was looking forward to them as wolves communicating ( as written in the book) . But that part was cut short too. Leah's part was even more ridiculous. People who had never read the book don't even know what the fuck is hapening. And why the hell is Leah with them. ( Poor me had to explain everything). 

But "Breaking Dawn Part 1" is by far, in the whole twilight saga film series, the best movie in all (excluding Breaking Dawn Part 2). Overall, I was 75% satisfied with the movie. The scenery, beautiful. Even more so beautiful then I had imagined. The fight, graphic, wolfy parts, was amazing. Was really happy that they took at least 60% of the book into the movie and I get to live my imagination. 2 hours is not enough for Breaking Dawn Part 1. They should have part 1, 2 and 3. They crammed too much things from the book into the movie.  Otherwise it would have been perfect.

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Click on it and ask/ discuss with me anything(:

Sunday, November 20, 2011,
Quick post from my phone..

So lately I haven't been active in audition.. I've always used work as an excuse to not be in there or not recruit any new members as what my role requires me to.
Today I just realized that I just don't have the strength to hold on and carry on with the fam anymore.. Even my fam master isn't active he is just busy in his noob account with his girlfriend. Sometimes I just don't understand where my determination come from. It's not the first time I do something so ... Over for the fam. I wanted so badly for me to belong to a group . And the idea of not being in one is terrifying. Why so? I know the answer. But it will just be too much for me to handle if I share it here. Too deep and haunted for me to post it up...
Cut Off
Monday, November 14, 2011,

Always felt that blogging is for me to express my feelings or thinking about someone . But realised that it is only used for me to vent my frustrations on something or about someone who is pissing me off lately.

It's like, I'm too grown up to give a shit about others anymore. Lately my life is just work, work and more work. I have no time for anything and everything. Sorry if this sounds random. I don't have anything to blog about, and I just feel a need to update this place. My life is currently on hold. I'm neither moving forward nor back. It's nothing wrong. And I just need to completely make up my mind before I take the next step. I just don't have the strength and confidence in myself to carry on what I have to do -- my studies. I know I need to continue my studies. But I don't want to force myself to go back to school just because I needed to. I want to go back because I want to. But right now, I really don't have the feeling of going back to school. I'm sick of all the immature people in school. I'm already where I belong and I don't want to go back to hell. But April intakes are coming. although it's 5months (give or take) away, it's very fast. And I am so not ready for it. 
Saturday, November 5, 2011,
bun & chuan's presents wrapped up nice  and tight. 

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