Today we're going to touch on the holy subject of..... [drum rolls]
Kkkkkk ~ as you all would prolly [not] know, I am someone who thinks really highly of myself, and therefore expects a lot from others.
So recently had a talk with one of my friend and we touched on a subject on which kind of attitude from guys that wouldn't appeal to us. We had difference in opinions but here is a list of what I came up with. [In no order]
1. Melodramatic
He cannot be overly obsessed with drama [by drama I don't mean those you watch on TV shows] it's like, everything oso chup taiji, everytime anything oso wana say/gossip. Its more of a "girls thing".. If I wana gossip and stuff I have my bffs.
It's alright if he listens to MY drama and gives some opinion, but I don't want to clean up or pick up any of HIS drama. Guys shouldn't have drama.
2. Indecisive [优柔寡断]
I absolutely detest guys who doesn't have their own opinions. I get it when they want to ask us for our opinions like, where should we go for lunch, or what should we do after the movie... I mean, it's great that he asked. But I hate it when it escalated to something like this:
Him: So... Wana go where later?
Me: uh... i duno leh. What u think?
Him: I anything one. Where u wana go?
I wana go home! Can? Seriously. I mean, it's sweet that they thought about us, but guys, please be sure to do your homework, like plan a schedule or activity for us to do before you ask us out. And not just asking us out for the sake of asking and then we spend like, what? Half of the day deciding where to go or what to eat.
3. Fags
Ok, I might be a little too harsh on this one , but I hate it when guys carry their gf's handbags. That time I saw a guy.. Fucking hot carrying a small baby pink kate spade handbag ok. I almost bawled my eyes out trying so hard not to laugh out loud.
I know! It's sweet and stuff, but I can carry my own handbag at least. Unless it's some heavy lifting and I need help with it.
I mean, god knows what you have inside... Like, "here carry my handbag for me which contains my purse, makeup and possibly my pad around for me. Thanks."
Just.... A big no-no.
4. Overly- friendly.
Yes. I get it. I am hard to please. LOL.
Actually I don't hate this personality in guys, but I usually friend-zone all these nice guys because I know I cannot handle it.
I don't care if you and whats-her-name are "just friends". I don't like it when you get too close to girls.
I have this friend, Em, whose boyfriend does not allow her to have any physical contact with any guys. [As in not even allowed to take a photo together - or if in a group photo, cannot stand next to her] and it goes both ways. The same for him.
People may find this extreme, but I think it's kinda nice. At least I don't have to spend the day wondering which bitch would be touching my guy's biceps.. Ok, maybe I am sadistic over this one, but NO. YOU CANNOT TOUCH HER HAIR. YOU CANNOT TEASE HER, YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT EVEN CONTACT HER.
I mean, if you love me, don't make me worry constantly if I will be replaced. Because I will get sick and tired of being constantly afraid of losing you, and I will leave you.
5. Complain Kings
Actually this goes the same way for friends. As in I don't like people who are whiney. Who always have something against the world. Worst still, if he is my bf, and he is constantly telling me how sucky his job was. How his boss was a jerk. How his mom didn't cook his dinner the way he wanted to.. Ughs. i cannot fathom... How anyone could tolerate people like that.. Guys don't whine about everything..
Yes, if like, your mom die or what, and you need someone I will be there. But not when you want to find someone to vent your frustrations upon. It's not right and it's not fair. Unless, like, if we are married. But not while we're dating.
[Number 6 is deleted]
[& here are the miscellaneous]
7. Cheenas. No cheenas!!
I have cheena friends but I will never date a cheena. Never.
8. Guys shorter than the girl. Pathetic, aye?
9. Vain guys. Do you love yourself more than me? [answer would probably be yes]
10. Fucking good-looking guys. good looking guys won't look at me anyway :D
Am I glad Eli is not "Fucking good-looking" ? He is just fucking hot. Hehehe.
11. Smokers - nothing against them, I just don't want to be KISSING one.
12. Guys who constantly reminds me of how awesome he is, how he tackled 2 Cobras while strangling a bear and killing a lion. No, i don't give a shit about how you won the spelling bee, or got 10 free tickets to SMTown backstage [ok, that's pretty awesome] but you get what I mean..
Thats pretty much everything.. See! Only 12! I am not that hard to please right? Oh, don't give me crap like how I don't mind him having B.O or things like personal hygiene... Coz if he had such problems, I wouldn't even BE FRIENDS with him in the first place. HA HA HA.
Ok, now for some photos of super hot guys so ugly angry boys who are reading my post will feel ashamed of themselves.
Hoon of U-kiss is good motivation :D |