personal info
I'm a girl who still hasn't figured out what she wants to do with her life.

My birthday falls on the 18th Of April every single year since 1993. You do the maths.

✓ Lose weight
✓ Start sleeping early
✓ Finish my studies well
✓ Get a rich boyfriend
✓ Figure out what I want to do with my life

Keep reading if you like to hear people ranting.

May 2011 / June 2011 / July 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 / October 2011 / November 2011 / December 2011 / January 2012 / February 2012 / March 2012 / April 2012 / May 2012 / June 2012 / July 2012 / August 2012 / September 2012 / October 2012 / November 2012 / December 2012 / January 2013 / February 2013 / March 2013 / April 2013 / May 2013 / June 2013 / January 2014 / February 2014 / April 2014 / May 2014 / June 2014 / July 2014 / August 2014 / October 2014 / December 2014 / January 2015 / March 2015 / April 2015 / May 2015 / June 2015 / July 2015 / October 2015 / November 2015 / December 2015 / February 2016 / March 2016 / April 2016 / May 2016 / July 2016 / January 2017 / February 2017 / March 2017 / June 2017 / August 2017 / December 2017 / January 2018 / April 2018 / July 2018 / October 2018 / August 2019 / October 2019 / April 2020 /

In the blink of an eye pt 2
Wednesday, March 11, 2015,
So I recently scroll through my blog and found that I had made a to be continued post.
And realising that I have not finished typing or updating it.

I guess, when you were younger you really didn't know any better. Everything in your life, you are sheltered by your parents. - At least thats what it is for me.

Fell down on the PE Field? Parents rush you in to emergency room .
Got bullied in school? Your mom goes down to scold the bullies.
Got in trouble with the teacher? You get a warning from school and your parents get informed.
Have you EVER faced your own consequences? Are you MAN enough to face your consequences?
Everything you do. There is a consequence. It can be a negative one or a positive one.

Have you ever thought for once when you're about to do something (unless its an accident) stop, and think about what would happen if you'd gone and done it? No?

I missed being a kid. You are forgiven almost immediately. Would your teacher hold it against you? Would your friends do? Will your PARENTS do? No. Never.

I had been working many part time job waaaaay long before I even got this full time job. Yea,  It isn't exactly smooth sailing. It isn't the best job in the world. But if we always dwell on the negativity, we will never truly be happy.

I'm sorry if this post sounds incoherent but thats what my thoughts always are.
This is just a place where I vent my frustrations on, learn more as I grow older and try to be a better person.

I once read on someone's blog that if you continue to put good kind and nice people in your life while taking out the negative and drama making ones, your life will continue to get better and better. Which brings me to this question.
Would it matter if you yourself is a nice and good person? Shouldn't that apply to yourself too? If you want a better life, maybe stop complaining and start appreciating.  Why are you upset at the person who doesnt appreciate you? When you should be happy of the person who do?
Everyday we wake up and we decide our fate for the day. Do you want to go to bed with one more friend or one more enemy? Do you want to go to bed with a new thing to laugh about or something to frown for?

It's never going to be easy, everything will never go your way. But this is life and how YOU decide to live it. Determines how happy YOU are.

Smile , laugh as much as you can and let the negative people annoy themselves. 
Sunday, March 1, 2015,
Hey guys !

So recently, you've heard about my newest addiction.
Phone and nail stickers which is uniquely designed by yours truly !!

It's all because I got the help from 

Basically, you just search for any images you want to use for your phone and upload it and opt for mailing and in a few days you will get your custom made phone stickers that are uniquely yours!!

Well, they have 2 types of mailing, the first one is FREE where its non-track-able and the other one is registered mailing at SGD12 !!! Mad expensive !!!

I had 4-6 orders from them via FREE non-registered postage, and I got all my stickers in good condition so I suggest you to opt for FREE postage, but if any of your mails get lost please be responsible for it yourself. I am not suey with my postages doesn't mean you might be the same. So make sure you are comfortable with maybe losing 1 or 2 stickers if you opt for FREE postage. If not, order a bulk of stickers (maybe, a years supply worth of stickers) and get the SGD12 reg mailing at one go, But its so. freaking. addicting. I cant stop going online to design and make new skins !!!

Recently havent been ordering any since they discontinued the nail services. Mad love my nail sticker and is waiting for them to relaunch it again !!

As you can see from the picture above, I got Eli as my phone sticker and the front and sides of the phone are kisses - also matched my nails with the same kisses stickers.

Just to remind you when you peel the sticker off , it is elastic so -- it might go out of shape so be careful not to pull it off too hard, or else the sides wont be matched and it will look super duper ugly!!

Super chio right !! And NO ONE will ever have the same design as me !!

I designed this for CNY but I stupidly did not take a photo of my nails while wearing it during the new year. .zz 

Anyway, I still have 2 more nail stickers left so i am not gona waste it yet ~
Gonna wear it on special occasions.

Go make YOUR OWN , UNIQUELY DESIGNED phone stickers NOW !!! 

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