Recently, someone appeared in my life as a person who is very good at being a human being.
What do I mean by "a good human being" that means you
know not to flaunt a beautiful bracelet given by your boyfriend when you know your friend just got rejected by her crush. You have nothing to do at work but you still pretend to find stuffs to do and pretend to be busy. You dislike this person because what she said offended you, but you still smile and joke around with the person as though you are long time friends.
Some people call this kind of people a hypocrite. I used to define them as fake. Fake to themselves. Fake to everyone.
But working for a few months now got me to thinking that sometimes you actually do have to fake it to make it. You want that promotion and have been working hard to get it? Your boss might not even notice you working hard and only notices you when you have nothing else to do. So what should you do? Fake being busy all the time. You dislike your superior? Well, guess what you have to still suck up to him because if your boss one day wants to retrench you, someone will be your "backup",
I don't know when I realised I have to be a "Good human being" but I fail terribly at it.
I remember I had those bad human being conversations when I was in school .
Guy won a frog like paperclip from the teacher because of improved grades.
I was called to stand in front of the teacher (for what reasons I dont remember- something along the lines of sticking my pen in the electric sockets- haha)
Anyway, he came up to the teacher and said : Cher (short form for teaCHER, hahaha we singaporean kids are sooo humorous) I dont want this paper clip...
I stared at the paper clip dumbly. And realised it kinda looks like him . and without thinking I blurted out.
"Why do you not like it? Coz it looks like you? "
When the words escaped my lips, my teacher shot me a silencing look. The guy shrugged and walked off. I didn't mean it in a bad way. I swear. I find that it looks like him and its not in a bad kind of way like, "HAHA it looks as ugly as you!!" its more of a.... "why dont you like it? I think it suits you since it looks like you ^^" .........
I guess, being a bad or good human being both have its perks and I'm not trying to justify hypocrisy but I'm just stating that I understood why it had to be done in some circumstances....
Let's all try and be a better human being and find the right balance between saying the right things at the right time, Speaking the truth, and sometimes, to not speak at all !!!