personal info
I'm a girl who still hasn't figured out what she wants to do with her life.

My birthday falls on the 18th Of April every single year since 1993. You do the maths.

✓ Lose weight
✓ Start sleeping early
✓ Finish my studies well
✓ Get a rich boyfriend
✓ Figure out what I want to do with my life

Keep reading if you like to hear people ranting.

May 2011 / June 2011 / July 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 / October 2011 / November 2011 / December 2011 / January 2012 / February 2012 / March 2012 / April 2012 / May 2012 / June 2012 / July 2012 / August 2012 / September 2012 / October 2012 / November 2012 / December 2012 / January 2013 / February 2013 / March 2013 / April 2013 / May 2013 / June 2013 / January 2014 / February 2014 / April 2014 / May 2014 / June 2014 / July 2014 / August 2014 / October 2014 / December 2014 / January 2015 / March 2015 / April 2015 / May 2015 / June 2015 / July 2015 / October 2015 / November 2015 / December 2015 / February 2016 / March 2016 / April 2016 / May 2016 / July 2016 / January 2017 / February 2017 / March 2017 / June 2017 / August 2017 / December 2017 / January 2018 / April 2018 / July 2018 / October 2018 / August 2019 / October 2019 / April 2020 /

Butt pissypants hurt.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017,
I don't get it. I don't get how your colleagues who ate lunch with you everyday and when something crops up they wouldn't hesitate to throw you under the bus.

I work in a really small company so daily we have to clear the dustbin near our desks.

Yesterday after I emptied my rubbish into the plastic bag, my colleague was the one who took it and I went to take out the rubbish on my table.

Today, when I came into office, she loudly said " Jaemin! You forgot to take out the trash yesterday!!!" 

Right in front of the boss and everyone.

If I argued with her on the spot, she would insist that I was the one who forgot to take out the trash and it would end up with both of us on the bad side of the boss.

So what do people do in that situation? Keep quiet and get blamed for it, I guess.

It's not the first time this happened and I just keep letting it slide. No wonder my bosses think I'm unreliable.

What else can I do? 
Thursday, January 19, 2017,
2 friends of mine that I have known for years are getting married and I am the last to know.

I just feel so empty and alone sometimes. But then I just fuck it and get on with life... But how can I not be affected by this?

I mean, the guy did mention that he is proposing soon. But I thought they would at least inform me of the good news even though I wasn't a part of the group that helped with the proposal.

Also I got the news on facebook which I am not even active in.

I don't know, maybe I wasn't as important as I am to people and sometimes when I realised that it kinda hurts... x.x

-- Oh well..

S.E.S. celebrates their 20th anniversary! 
They don't look a day older when they debuted in 1997!

A Remake of their debut Song, Love.
Thursday, January 12, 2017,
I am in a good mood today so I am gonna share a short article I read yesterday. It was in chinese so heres a rough translation

A kid was hit in class, so he hit the other kid back. When the teacher saw that they did, he told the child, "If someone hits you, and you cannot hit them back. So now, you are in the wrong too"
So both parents were called in separately for a meeting with the teacher.
Upon learning what had transpired, the father gave the teacher a right hook and the teacher retaliated. Until other staffs pulled them apart.
The father hollers "So why did you hit me back?!"

I think in Asia, since young we were told that, if someone hits you, and you hit them back you are in the wrong. Right? 

I can't help but think that this is part of the reason why I learn not to stand up for myself.
Parents. If this sort of thing happens between your children, you should tell them to inform an authority or the teacher in charge. If there is no such person around, to remove themselves from the bully/abuse. If worse come to worse and both methods do not work. Then yes! They can retaliate!

Never tell your child what they cannot do. Tell them what they can do.

My dad once taught me how to punch someone in the nose. That was when I was already a teenager and being bullied in class. I never did punch the bitch but she posted a photo of me on her blog and made fun of my mother. 

Made a police report and informed the school.

Police told me there was not really anything they can do, but told me to stand up for myself.
Teachers couldn't stop it either. In the end, I threatened to go to the media and I will name the school so the Discipline Master stepped in and gave that dumb bitch suspension from school.

But when he meted out the "sentence", it seems he was unhappy with me. Like I was the one who was threatening them to do something when I was the one being bullied? What the hell?

I know it's different in Singapore now, most teacher's hands are tied because the kids now are pampered by their parents. I don't think I will be one of that kind of parents who will pamper their kids. 

But unlike my generation, where our parents think the teachers' are always right, I will pay more attention to what my child say and decide whether what he/'she do was right or wrong.

I don't think I will be like my parents who give free rein to my teachers to discipline me.
I will discipline my child but I will probably not allow the teachers' to do it. 

Reason being I just no longer trust that they will be interested in my childs' well-being (I had too many bad experiences with teachers) 
Monday, January 9, 2017,
So we have contracted drivers at work and they costs like S$10 per transfers trip because they get paid monthly aside from these measly commission..

But we will try to quote clients S$40 per way so we can earn the transfer fees. I haven't been having any bookings lately probably because S$40 per transfer is waaayyy too expensive. 

So one day, during lunch, my colleagues told me to quote lower, like, maybe S$30 per transfers and since we only have 2 drivers, our itinerary may sometimes clash. & they replied well, if we know you under quote we will give you priority of using our own drivers. (P/s Outside drivers costs at least S$40 per way)

I'm like, how can I be so selfish and always want you guys to let me have the priority , and in the back of my mind, I'm like, if I do so, you guy's will probably be pissed and complain that I always have the priority! Pfft !

And bitch replied "You sure you will have any bookings meh?" WTF !! Looking down on me? Shit head-.-'' If I am so useless, whenever you go back to Malaysia, don't ask me for help la! Ask me sunday go pick up your stupid guests. ON A SUNDAY. FML.

Anyways, being the super clever girl that I am , I ignored them and continue quoting S$40. So I had a booking coming in on 15 Jan in Nov 2016 !! SO of course I have priority in booking the driver, right?

Today, another woman have a clash with me, she needed the driver on the 16th, so she went to the boss and without telling him that I already book the driver, she booked him with boss's approval. FML.

So I told her I would change to a driver who charges S$40 per way for 15th-20th Jan, because I don't want to change drivers halfway and cause problems to guests and the one who have to deal with that cock up will be me. Because of her stupid cut in !!

Anyway, she smsed the driver this " Jaemin told you to do my booking instead" . WTF RIGHT?HELLO? you are the one who go tell boss that you want to use that driver without telling him, I already book him leh? KNS.

I told the driver " Boss is the one who ask u do her booking one, so my booking give someone else liao" and he replied sad face emoji. ROFLS.

What if I only used S$30 to quote perway? Wouldnt I have to pay a loss of S$150 in total for the transfers? Also even if I didn't make a loss now coz I wasn't stupid enough to believe in your stupid lies, I still get lesser profit because of you leh?

You still dare to tell me that I book late? HELLO , I BOOK SINCE NOVEMBER/DECEMBER LEH. WTF?

Damn pissed off can?

I hate these old aunties who keep playing politics in the fxxking office !!!!

Before in my old company, with all of us youngsters, we don't even have these shit! Best is the boss don't talk to us at all! We won't even go to him to gossip about others!

Also I don't understand bosses, the person gossip to you about us, what makes you think she is in anyway, morally upright?

Funny right?

I never say anything bad about her, not because she has nothing bad for people to say, its because, I am a better person than her. #DUH

Sadly, to say, the "better man" is always at the losing end. ( in the short run. )
Saturday, January 7, 2017,

I dyed the underside of my short hair blue. Bleached it and dyed it blue. It was a spur of the moment thing.

I just wanted to trim my hair a little bit but then my ex-colleague was doing her hair too and she decided to bleach and dye the underside of her hair purple. So the hair salon lady was like, I can do it for you too!

Probably just use up all the bleaching stuff she had mixed coz my sis also wanted to do the bleached highlights.

Can't wait for New Year coz I am already partially broke! 

Namecard Dispenser
Friday, January 6, 2017,
So recently my lady boss bought a new name card holder for me coz we went out for sales once, and she noticed that I keep my namecard in my wallet. Which can be quite dangerous if I go other countries to do sales call.

Singapore is relatively safe so its no problem at all. Can't say the same for other countries.. 

It's just a really ugly black box which can store my namecards .. I mean, I do appreciate the gesture and I like it a lot but it's damn ugly -.-

Anyway, I had a really random thought about how cool it would be if we had like name card dispensers , you know, like you just click a button and a namecard pops out.

I started to google for it so I can buy one and be unique. However, imagine having a few people asking for my name card and I will just be ridiculously standing there clicking away!!

And it costs like, USD15+ for one small card dispenser!! FML !!

I think I will stick to being original and boring like everyone else, because being unique is a pain in the ass job to do and I'm not rich enough. 
Thursday, January 5, 2017,
I have a confession. I bought KOI again. This time its Black Tea Macchiato 100% Sugar level.
Personally, I think its a great accomplishment since I used to drink 120% sugar!!   (I shall spare you guys by not praising myself since it is hardly a compliment.

I don't know. I want to slim down but I am just so- I just lack self-discipline. What should I do? How do someone freaking improve on their self-discipline? Hmm?

Also I skipped gym today. Again. That's 3-weeks in a row. I lost 6KG before and now I am slacking off. Yes , I was 97KG now I am 91KG.

I keep telling myself, I will go back again, I will go back again. But there's no hope of me going back at all. That's $88 going down the drain every month and the gym instructor will be damn upset at me.

I don't know if he actually will be upset because when I was there he is always glad to see me . As in glad that a fat unhealthy person is finally trying to shape up.

Also even if I went, I will be damn paiseh (embarrassed) because its a small gym within a small neighborhood so like, everyone who goes there knows that I have not been there so the longer I drag this on, the more I will be reluctant to go.

Excuses Excuses.

I should really go shouldn't I? I'll try. No promise though. 

It's 0000hrs and I should go to sleep because I also kept promising myself I will go to sleep early so I would be able to wake up in the morning to take the MRT to work instead of cabbing down to office at $22 every morning!! No wonder I'm so broke !!

Good night people.
Damn if we do, damn if we don't.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017,
You know, whenever I start to blog or try to talk about things on my mind, I always talk in puzzles or in jumbles because you never know who might be reading your blog, right? So anyway, I decided to turn anonymous because the internet is a scary place and you never know who is upset at what you say or do, therefore I have decided to draft all 200 of my posts since 2012 and I also have another blog which I had 500+ posts but it is on private because iie uSed tuu bloq liekk thizz. (*I used to blog like this) .. 

I may share some posts from my old teenaged blog because I was hilarious as in stupidly hilarious and bimbotic. We can pretend we stumbled on a stupid teenager's blog.

I never thought that I needed to censor my words because I felt that everything as long as communicated, can be solved. Right?


Every since I started working, I realised that you cannot just say something thoughtlessly because people can misinterpret it in many different ways and they can twist and spread whatever you say into something else.

Well, maybe if you watched meangirls, you would have known. But experiencing it first-hand is still somewhat of a shock man! I don't mean I went full out Plastic and had the whole Cady experience. But it's some sort of the things I said, wasn't meant to be hurtful or spiteful, but having it thrown back at you with someone's else interpretation makes me realized that?

Speaking of mean girls. Have anyone been playing Mean Girls, Sorority Rush on Episodes?
The decision to do shit stuff was taken right out of our choices and the character ends up doing shitty stuff and again wants another chance because " I didn't mean it" and "I feel so bad about it" ..
Fuck off ! So what if you felt bad, just because you felt bad, you should guilt people into forgiving you ? Then how about they throw it in your face all the mistakes you did then and keep guilt-tripping you to feel guilty?!

I know this is irrelevant but I just spend like $20 on that stupid game and I didn't expect it to turn out so shitty. Plus, the premium dresses are actually uglier than the non-premium one. FML.

But I digress.

So after 2 years of retails and 4 years in the tourism industry, you'd think I'd have wise up by now?

Wrong again. 

There will always be "cliques" in the office. The group that the boss like and consist of some bootlickers and the group that do stuff their way, doesn't care to sweet talk the boss.
Now if you're someone who doesn't wish to have drama, you would hang out with the ones who doesn't involve themselves in drama, right?

So I did just that but guess what? They are also sometimes full of crap, because they are also selfish and only do things their way. So you become neutral and both sides do not trust you to tell you anything and if anything happens both side wouldn't be bothered to help you but because you are neutral, you have to help both sides if they ask for help.

Sucks ain't it?

So I am doing sales and operations. So naturally the other sales have some problem with me. Which personally I do not give two fucks about.
I learn how to do operations because I am nice like that. I do my own stuff so I don't throw everything to the one operation colleague we have.
Not to mention the 2 sales does not like her. Lets call her S. But maybe because they never done operations before therefore, they think S is doing easy work and hence they have conflicts with each other.

For me, I prefer to do everything myself so I know what I am doing what should be changed etc. Turns out after learning the operations from S, she throws all the operations to me! Orders me around like I am under her. What the shit right? I know I am very young and younger than everyone in the office. But whenever I mention to her that she does operations, not me. She will tell me she only was hired to do boss's operations not that other sales. Like, FUCK U SMHH !!! 

Well, bitch -.-'' I am hired to do sales & operations, as in my own operations. Not to be your sidekick!!! I mean, I try so hard to be neutral but people just crawl all over you and eat you up just because you are easy. I hate it!!! I hate it so much!

but if I don't do it, and throw the operations back to the sales, they are going to be unhappy again and I will have offend both sides.

Tell me what should I do? Please leave a comment. and let me know. please I need help!!

Who am I
Monday, January 2, 2017,
How long have I let this place rot?

Not that anyone reads it anyway.

Anyway, I just noticed that there’s a lot of things that I want, but then wanting and doing it is so totally different and I just don’t have the self-discipline to do it. Otteoke?? I am like, 20 years old, 91kg and super lazy…. Oh and balding. WTFFMLASDFGHJKL

I mean it’s no use always sitting at my office desk, reading up 101 ways to lose weight(it’s not 101 ways, it just sounded nice so I put it there rofls)

Btw, those of you who are curious and clicking my Instagram link to see what I look like and thinking Not so bad what

I thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. But photos are deceiving.  How many applications out there for girls to twerk their face shape, or eye shape hmm? Especially all those picture of my selca (Korean equivalent to selfies)

I didn’t twerk my eyes , nose or face shape la. But I am in case you didn’t read the first paragraph, I’m 91Kg. I get super depressed coz my sister is super pretty la and my parents or relatives kept saying me and my sister used to look like twins. Damn depressing la…. It’s one thing to be born ugly regardless of your weight, height or skin condition. You are born ugly because of your facial features which, you cannot alter (unless you go for plastic surgery) but its another thing all together when you see your mom is actually super chio in wedding pictures and your sis looks exactly as chio as you but because you are fat, therefore you are ugly and unattractive.

The first being you can’t become pretty without spending tons of money on plastic surgery and the second being, me. Who just have to control my diet, exercise and stop drinking KOI or any sweet drinks to become pretty. It’s like so damn simple right? No need spend money, and actually save money when you don’t buy like, extra portions or soft drinks when you go out for lunch.

By the way, because I am fat or overweight, theres a lot of negative things that are caused because of this obesity.
1) I snore and so-called “choke” in my sleep coz the fats in my body is clogging up my whatever system inside my body la. So I don’t get good sleep because I wake up 2 – 3 times a night.
2) I also almost always have abrasion when I walk too long distance because I have fat thighs and they cause friction when I walk.
3) My doctor told me I am balding coz I have oily scalp because I always eat oily stuff (wtf right? Who knew it would be linked!)
4) I have irregular menstrual cycles. I can not have my period for 2 months and have it 2 times in the 3rd month (that’s like, 14 days wtf). It happens because I am obese.
5) I cannot wear all my pretty high heels I used to damn love coz I am so fat now my feet and knees actually hurt like a 60 year old woman. (and I’m only 20)
6) My hair is oily therefore my skin is oily , which causes breakouts and big ass pores on my face like mini moh peng.

I cannot think of anything else liao, but of course I can’t buy nice clothes, I can’t fit into most clothes I buy online etc etc. But I am not so superficial la. Sure, its sad that I can’t wear a dress I like when I see it but it’s not as depressing as when I have a body which is in worse condition than my mom. I mean, of course it hurts when people say I look like the mother when I’m out with my mom la (My mom is 150cm and 55kg). But the health aspect is really eating at me and I am still so lethargic about everything!!

Just yesterday, I bought KOI, convincing myself that it’s just a cup and I hadn’t had one in 2 weeks. When I regretted immediately after taking the first sip. But I still finished the whole drink coz its like $4.90 a cup! Imagine how much money I can save if I also stop all this junk food indulgent?

Like my parents always say, no one can help you except yourself.. I hope I have the self-discipline though… Really. 
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