So we have contracted drivers at work and they costs like S$10 per transfers trip because they get paid monthly aside from these measly commission..
But we will try to quote clients S$40 per way so we can earn the transfer fees. I haven't been having any bookings lately probably because S$40 per transfer is
waaayyy too expensive.
So one day, during lunch, my colleagues told me to quote lower, like, maybe S$30 per transfers and since we only have 2 drivers, our itinerary may sometimes clash. & they replied well, if we know you under quote we will give you priority of using our own drivers.
(P/s Outside drivers costs at least S$40 per way)
I'm like, how can I be so selfish and always want you guys to let me have the priority , and in the back of my mind, I'm like, if I do so, you guy's will
probably be pissed and
complain that I always have the priority! Pfft !
And bitch replied
"You sure you will have any bookings meh?" WTF !! Looking down on me? Shit head-.-'' If I am so useless, whenever you go back to Malaysia, don't ask me for help la! Ask me sunday go pick up your stupid guests.
Anyways, being the super clever girl that I am , I ignored them and continue quoting S$40. So I had a booking coming in on 15 Jan in Nov 2016 !! SO of course I have priority in booking the driver, right?
Today, another woman have a clash with me, she needed the driver on the 16th, so she went to the boss and without telling him that I already book the driver, she booked him with boss's approval. FML.
So I told her I would change to a driver who charges S$40 per way for 15th-20th Jan, because I don't want to change drivers halfway and cause problems to guests and the one who have to deal with that cock up will be me. Because of her stupid cut in !!
Anyway, she smsed the driver this
" Jaemin told you to do my booking instead" . WTF RIGHT?
HELLO? you are the one who go tell boss that you want to use that driver without telling him, I already book him leh? KNS.
I told the driver " Boss is the one who ask u do her booking one, so my booking give someone else liao" and he replied sad face emoji. ROFLS.
What if I only used S$30 to quote perway? Wouldnt I have to pay a loss of S$150 in total for the transfers? Also even if I didn't make a loss now coz I wasn't stupid enough to believe in your stupid lies, I still get lesser profit because of you leh?
You still dare to tell me that I book late?
Damn pissed off can?
I hate these old aunties who keep playing politics in the fxxking office !!!!
Before in my old company, with all of us youngsters, we don't even have these shit! Best is the boss don't talk to us at all! We won't even go to him to gossip about others!
Also I don't understand bosses, the person gossip to you about us, what makes you think she is in anyway, morally upright?
Funny right?
I never say anything bad about her, not because she has nothing bad for people to say, its because, I am a better person than her. #DUH
Sadly, to say, the "better man" is always at the losing end. ( in the short run. )